Hmm... not sure really. This blog tracks my Open University studies and probably other stuff too. Started off as just my 'geology and ecology' year - hence the title. But seems to have carried on into 'oceanography and more geology'. Ho hum.

Saturday, December 23, 2006


So what else is there to do over Xm*s other than get on with my next course? Hurrah!

Been wrestling with sequence stratigraphy for the last couple of days. Sounds very arcane, doesn't it? Actually, though, it's not as complicated as I thought it might be - or maybe that's because I haven't got very far yet! Lots of new terms to learn though - and abbreviations - but I think it's making sense.

Think I'll try and summarise some of the pertinent points tomorrow - so watch this space!

In the meantime - got a signal booster for the Freeview card in the PC, so the reception is infinitely better. And there are some surprisingly interesting films on this Xm*s - which, in itself, is somewhat surprising...


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