Hmm... not sure really. This blog tracks my Open University studies and probably other stuff too. Started off as just my 'geology and ecology' year - hence the title. But seems to have carried on into 'oceanography and more geology'. Ho hum.

Sunday, October 22, 2006

Post exam musings

So, that's the exams over for another year. Mmm, not sure how I've done. The S260 exam was lovely - I wanted to take the rock samples home with me - isn't that sad? We had a lovely granite and an oolitic limestone - and a thin section of garnet mica schist.

Ecology was another matter - what a strange exam paper. I got the impression the examiners had just run out of question ideas - as it was the last year of the course. One of the longest running OU courses - 32 years! Anyway, the essay questions were, well, rather vague. Which may be good or bad, depending how you look at it. I certainly managed to shoe-horn every concept I could remember into mine :O)

Anyway, post-exam lull now. Only not making it such a lull. Determined to be better organised next year (not doing as many courses, so should be relatively easy!), so already making a start on pre-reading!

Oceanography (S330) and the Geological Record of Environmental Change (S369) next year, plus associated summer school (back to Durham!).


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